Recent studies have shown about 1 in every 16 people who are diagnosed with kidney (renal) cancer develop it due to a hereditary predisposition. Knowing whether a person’s kidney cancer is due to a hereditary predisposition (or a single gene) can indicate whether that individual has a higher chance to develop a second kidney cancer or other cancers or non-cancerous tumors.

Want to learn more? Check out these Genome Medical resources

Want to learn more? Check out these Genome Medical resources
Cancer and genetics background


Learn more about the link between cancer and genetics from the experts at Genome Medical. Find out answers to questions like “is cancer genetic?”

What is Genetic-Testing?

What is Genetic Testing?

Genome Medical offers pharmacogenomics counseling, genetic test recommendations and long-term care planning to custom-tailor your medications and dosages based on your genetic makeup.

What is Genetic Counseling?

What is Genetic Counseling?

Learn more about what genetic counseling is and which genetic counseling programs are right for you or your family, answered by Genome Medical’s genetic experts.

Reproductive genetics background


Genome Medical offers reproductive genetic counseling, genetic test recommendations and long-term reproductive health planning to women and couples starting a family.

Genetic Hearth Disease background


Understand the link between cardiovascular health and genetics. Find out what cardiovascular conditions result from genetics. Learn how to uncover genetic heart conditions that may run in your family.

Cancer and genetics background

Cancer Genetics

Learn more about the link between cancer and genetics from the experts at Genome Medical. Find out answers to questions like “is cancer genetic?”

What is Genetic-Testing?

What is Genetic Testing?

Genome Medical offers pharmacogenomics counseling, genetic test recommendations and long-term care planning to custom-tailor your medications and dosages based on your genetic makeup.

What is Genetic Counseling?

What is Genetic Counseling?

Learn more about what genetic counseling is and which genetic counseling programs are right for you or your family, answered by Genome Medical’s genetic experts.

Reproductive genetics background

Reproductive Genetics

Genome Medical offers reproductive genetic counseling, genetic test recommendations and long-term reproductive health planning to women and couples starting a family.

Genetic Hearth Disease background

Cardio Genetics

Understand the link between cardiovascular health and genetics. Find out what cardiovascular conditions result from genetics. Learn how to uncover genetic heart conditions that may run in your family.

Genetics 101

The Benefits of Genetic Testing and Understanding Your Genome

The Genome Medical Experience

Genetics 101

The Benefits of Genetic Testing and Understanding Your Genome

The Genome Medical Experience