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Steven Bleyl, MD, PhD


Dr. Bleyl guides the development of Genome Medical’s clinical care processes in its vision to bring genomics to everyone who needs it. Dr. Bleyl is board-certified in medical genetics with a doctorate degree in human genetics and his background spans experience in molecular biology, experimental embryology, clinical care and administrative oversight of clinical services across an integrated health system. He maintains an academic affiliation as an adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Utah where his clinical practice focuses on cardiovascular genetics with a pediatric emphasis. Prior to this role he directed the Clinical Genetics Institute (CGI) for Intermountain Healthcare where he oversaw provision of genetic services, implementation of Genetic Testing Stewardship Program and development of a system-wide infrastructure for storage and use of genomic data. The CGI also worked closely with Intermountain’s partner payers on issues of test coverage and medical policy related to genetics.

Board Certifications

2007-Present American Board of Medical Genetics (Sub: Clinical Genetics), Certified
2003-2013 Board Certified in Pediatrics

Scholastic Honors/Awards

1991 Phi Beta Kappa, Cum Laude, University of Utah
1993 Howard Hughes Medical Student Research Fellowship Award
1994 James A. Bush Memorial Student Research Award
2002 Dean’s List for Excellence in Teaching by a House Officer, University of Arizona
2003 Graduating Resident Award for Excellence in Research, University of Arizona.
2003 NIH Medical Loan Repayment Award.
2004 NIH Medical Loan Repayment Award Recipient


Using genetic services to improve each aspect of your Quadruple Aim goals

Extending Genetic Services Across Clinical Specialties to Improve Proactive Care: UAB Medicine’s Experience Utilizing Telegenetic Services and Patient Risk Assessment Tools

Selected Publications

Evaluating use of changing technologies for rapid next-generation sequencing in pediatrics

Physician-directed genetic screening to evaluate personal risk for medically actionable disorders: a large multi-center cohort study

Targeted gene panel sequencing for the rapid diagnosis of acutely ill infants