Reproductive Services Provider Optimizes Genetic Evaluation and Screening


Setting the Standard in Fertility Care

Santa Monica Fertility, a Pinnacle Fertility Company, is an industry leader in providing advanced, individualized reproductive medicine through its cuttingedge fertility services to clients worldwide. Dedicated to delivering the highest quality of care, Santa Monica Fertility wanted to ensure that their clients received comprehensive genetics evaluations and expert genetic guidance, above and beyond the minimum industry guidelines.

Since 2018, Santa Monica Fertility has partnered with Genome Medical, the leading telegenetics care delivery company to provide telehealth genetic counseling and evaluation of potential egg donors. After early success with this program and positive feedback from donors, Santa Monica Fertility decided to extend genetic counseling services to fertility patients as well.

Pregnant women meeting with fertility doctor

Service Streamlines Genetics Care

For Egg Donors: Speeds Qualification & Readiness

Through the partnership, potential egg donors meet with a Genome Medical genetic counselor to:

  • Discuss personal and family medical history
  • Review carrier screening results
  • Evaluate qualification to donate
  • Provide recommendations for additional testing, as needed

Telehealth genetic counseling appointments are available within a week of referral, ensuring donors are ready and qualified when intended parents are looking for a match, avoiding delays.

For Intended Parents: Supports & Saves Time

For intended parents, a Genome Medical genetic counselor:

  • Reviews genetic test results, including carrier screening
  • Reviews medical history for any reproductive risk factors, recommends tests as needed
  • Discusses any additional genetic testing options (including pre-implantation genetic testing)
  • Can aid in donor selection

With Genome Medical providing genetic counseling support, Santa Monica Fertility can focus on other critical aspects of the fertility process without having to manage genetics care or logistics.

Helping to Build Families Across the World

Like many fertility centers, it’s common for Santa Monica Fertility’s intended parents and donors to travel significant distances to receive fertility services or to donate. This can add financial burden and additional time or delays to the process.

Rather than having to travel or find local genetics specialists, Santa Monica Fertility offers telehealth genetic services through Genome Medical, from the comfort of home or wherever is convenient. Interpreter services ensure language is not a barrier to accessing genetics care.

With Genome Medical’s support, individuals from across the U.S. and 26 countries outside the U.S. who are under the care of Santa Monica Fertility, have received genetic services.

Delivering High Value and Client Satisfaction

Through the partnership, Genome Medical has delivered over 1,500 genetic counseling sessions, providing high quality genetics care while reducing the potential for clients to incur travel costs for an in-person counseling session. On average, two Santa Monica Fertility donors/intended parents per day meet with a genetic counselor from Genome Medical. Intended parents and donors have found the genetic counseling service highly valuable, as demonstrated by the 97% satisfaction rating from those who have completed a counseling appointment. Offering the telehealth genetic counseling service is helping to accelerate the fertility process and supports Santa Monica Fertility’s dedication to a highly personalized and high-touch experience for patients and donors.

“Partnering with Genome Medical has saved our team significant time and ensures we have intended parents and qualified egg donors who are prepared, comfortable and ready to proceed with the fertility process.”